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Weather Underground PWS IENGLAND56

Site News

Registered Members' WInfoBar

We are pleased to announce that the WInfoBar (Weather Information Bar under our logo) has been improved to actively update every few seconds with the latest Weather Station data for registered Members.

The WInfoBar uses the AJAX scripts for Virtual Weather Station (VWS) using Weather Flash (Thanks to Ken True - with a few tweaks to include correct metric conversion factors, decimal places and display of the latest METAR observation.

You can hover over the rate of change arrows to view the actual rate of change.

For those of you who have Java disabled you still see the WInfoBar but you will need to refresh every 5 minutes to see the latest data.

Please log in or register to activate the WInfoBar.

We hope you like it.

Chester Weather Station (CWS) is run as an amateur weather station and therefore should not be used as official data.
Whilst every effort is made to keep the data as accurate as possible no guarantee is given that the data meets the requirements of the Meteorological Offices' 'A' Stations.
The weather station data is produced by CWS and CWS claims copyright over all data produced and disseminated by it.
Members of CWS may use the data produced by CWS for non-commercial use and no other purpose.
If CWS data is used according to these licence terms then the data must be acknowledged as belonging to CWS and reproduced with its permission.
The weather station data produced by CWS must not be used for decision making of any kind.
The weather station is privately owned and the owners do not make any claims as to the accuracy of the information collected by the equipment.